After the opening of the conference and the presentation of the participants, Mr. Valentin – Norbert TARUS, President of CA, opens the discussions through a dialogue with Mr. Iacomi from the Stock Exchange about the performance of the companies in the pharmaceutical field, about the financial returns of these companies and the expectations of the investors. Mr. Iacomi specifies that the main companies that have given high dividends are those in the banking and energy field, those in the pharmaceutical field have low yields or do not give dividends and the prospect is of lowering yields.
Mr. Ionescu, a shareholder – specifies that the investors’ interests are related to dividends, but the development perspective of the companies is also followed, there are large companies that do not give dividends but develop and give dividends later. It is noted that last year’s transaction was beneficial for investors, it led to a greater presence of the company in the press, forums, discussions and then to an increase in the share price, a pleasant surprise.
Mr. Valentin – Norbert TARUS, President of CA – answers Mr. Ionescu’s question about the intention to negotiate other sales, if there are discussions for the sale of the distribution of medicines. The pharmaceutical distribution market is a market dominated by large companies (Farmexim, Farmexpert), and for medium distributors, such as FR*amp;DL, which has a market share of 2.5-3%, the prospect of attracting investment funds, mergers or opening dialogues with clients or competitors must exist.
Mr. Valentin – Norbert TARUS, President of CA – reminds the participants that Farmaceutica REMEDIA has paid dividends every year and aims to pay every year more than the yield offered by banks.
Mr. Ionescu, a shareholder, specifies that indeed Farmaceutica REMEDIA had a divinely correct policy of over 50% of the profit.
Mrs. Elena Codrean, Financial Director/ CA member – presents some key aspects related to the financial results of 2020: turnover, income, expenses, profit and distribution to dividends.
Ovidiu Serdean, IFB Finwest – completes, linked to the returns of pharma and dividend companies, that at Biofarm the yield is 3.3%.
Mr. Andrei Iacomi, Stock Exchange – wants to find out on what is based the estimated increase in sales revenues by 15%, in BVC for 2021.
Mr. Valentin – Norbert TARUS, President of CA – specifies that any market change offers new opportunities, in the current pandemic context Farmaceutica REMEDIA has reoriented and imports antigen tests from China, intuiting that in order to end the pandemic, besides vaccination, massive testing is necessary. Farmaceutica REMEDIA wants to open new business lines in the field of process automation and digitization, for this purpose it has entered into a partnership with BD Rowa, a manufacturer of robots for pharmacies and will develop a line of promotion and installation of these solutions in pharmacies.
Regarding the investments in the logistics centers from Deva and Bucharest, Mr. Valentin – Norbert TARUS specifies that the investments are within the proposed parameters.
Mr. Ovidiu Serdean, IFB Finwest – asks if the remaining pharmacies can be a potential sales objective or they want to remain in the company.
Mr. Valentin – Norbert TARUS, President of CA – specifies that Farmaceutica REMEDIA, by selling to HelpNet, has exited this market and does not intend to re-enter, and the remaining pharmacies can be a selling objective.
Mr. Marian, a shareholder – wants Farmaceutica REMEDIA to be more active, more present in the media field and on the stock exchange.
Mr. Valentin – Norbert TARUS, President of CA – specifies that Farmaceutica REMEDIA has in development a national platform (of href=’’ /a) to which to join doctors and nurses to provide testing services for the population, the platform that will be launched soon.
Mr. Valentin – Norbert TARUS, President of CA specifies that Farmaceutica REMEDIA delivers Covid tests to other pharmacy chains and the project of testing the population in pharmacies mentioned by Mr. Ionescu, will be beneficial.
Daniela Aldescu, ARIR – appreciates the efforts and the openness of the management of Farmaceutica REMEDIA, which is at the top of the companies in the Vektor ranking and the Vektor index for 2020 is up from the previous year. Changes have been made and as much information as possible has been given to investors, implementing best practices.
Mrs. Zoe Chirita, IR Director – thanks ARIR for its support and guidance and Mr. Serdean for his involvement in organizing the events organized by Farmaceutica REMEDIA.