

Environmental protection and healthy lifestyle

Our most ambitious goal is to achieve sustainable performance, (in line with both recent legislative updates and those planned for the future, such as those resulting from the objectives of the European Green Pact and other principles aligned with major international sustainability initiatives).

In line with our values, we have set ourselves goals for sustainable development based on a vision of a more ethical future.

We also collected 4.75 tonnes of waste plastic, paper and cardboard packaging and 3.55 tonnes of expired drugs for disposal by incineration and launched an internal collection programme for used batteries and light bulbs, electronics and small appliances in partnership with ECOTIC, an organisation specialising in WEEE management.

REMEDIA organizes annual events at the Cascada Hut in the Retezat massif and the Anastasia Pension in the Danube Delta, providing opportunities for communication and implementation of the company’s environmental and climate protection strategies, such as:

  • Save the Danube Delta Flora and Fauna Association by supporting the costs of organizing educational activities about the Danube Delta, organized for children at the Village Museum in Bucharest
  • Educational actions for waste sorting and disposal of household waste;