Marketing and promotion

Farmaceutica REMEDIA Distribution & Logistics SRL act as a partner for lunching promotion and distribution of the pharmaceuticals on the Romanian market and Eastern Europe.

What we did

With more then 30 years of pharma experience our group of companies initiated multiple partnership with the international renewed partners of medicaments from the countries as Austria, Germany, Russia, China si South Koreea.

Such projects launched our company in important partnerships on the pharma market reprezenting a warranty of efficient implementation of the new business models in Romania.

What we are doing

Exprtise, programs and promotion campaign cover both hospital range of rpoducts and retail ones (RX, OTC parapharmaceuticals) in various medical specialities as: ICU, infection deseases, cardiolgy, cardiovascular surgery, general surgery, dermatology, diabetology, epidemiolgy, hematology, wound care family docors, neurology, oncolgy peditrics, trasnplatology

What we will do

Extended partnerships and consolodation of a strong, and reliable team, adaptable to the continuous changes of the expections of the clients.

Also we will specilise marketing and promotion teams, specilised and dedicated to different terapeutical areas.

Curerently we are offering integrated marketing and promotion servicies for pharmaceutical well known companies on the following terapeutical areas:
  • cardio-vascular and diabetes: GEBRO-PHARMA;
  • dermato-cosmetics: AROMELIA, BENOSTAN, MEDIMAR, NADH;
  • family doctors and paediatrics: ROWA-WAGNER, TRENKA, DOETSCH GRETHER,  CAPRICORN;
  • neo-natology: Alprostadil “REMEDIA” 500 mcg;
  • oncology: ATNAHS;
  • transplant: KOHLER CHEMIE