Three Artists Received RETEZAT 2014 Award

Supported by Farmaceutica REMEDIA, the 9th edition of the Student International Art Symposium in Retezat Mountains took place between July 7th and 15th, 2014.

For a week, students from the University of Arts “George Enescu” in Iasi and Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts Chisinau (Republic of Moldova) attended creation workshops for painting, ceramics and tapestry.

The works of art made during the event brought the Retezat 2014 award to:

  • Ms. Elena CARAUS – Tapestry
  • Oleg DOBROVOLSCHI – Sculpture
  • Victor FRIMU – Painting






For his outstanding contribution in the development and promotion of the cultural arts in Romania and Republic of Moldova, Mr. Valentin Norbert TARUS was awarded the Excellence Prize

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