During 2008, 2009 and 2010, FARMACEUTICA REMEDIA S.A. offered monthly sponsorships, as medicines and food supplements, necessary to the aerobic and artistic gymnast teams, as a result of the partnership with “Cetate Deva” National Sports College.
As a continuation of the tradition started in 2007, FARMACEUTICA REMEDIA S.A. monthly offered a number of 9 scholarships to the best sportswomen of the College, as a financial support and recognition for their performances.
During 2007, 2008 and 2009 FARMACEUTICA REMEDIA S.A. was the main sponsor of “Cupa Cetatii” National Aerobic Gymnastics Contest (10th, 11th and 12th edition) and with this occasion offered important awards to the winners of each age category.
Our company sustained also the organization of the DKMT International Sports Gymnastics (Danube, Cris, Mures, Tisa), which was attended by more than 50 junior gymnasts from several European countries.
CSR Remedia Cetate DevaFARMACEUTICA REMEDIA S.A., with the support of Mr. Valentin-Norbert TARUS, President of the Board of Administrators, sponsored the participation of 3 athletes from “Cetate Deva” National Sports College team to the event “Wien Energie Halbmarathon”, which took place at the end of March 2008 in Vienna and was attended by over 4000 athletes.
The three athletes, Mihaela TUTURESCU, Crina CHIOREAN and Gratiana STRAVA successfully promoted the Romanian Sports School by winning the 1st place in semi-marathon.
Another three beneficiaries of Remedia Scholarship were the gold winners of the trio contest of the 2009 International Aerobic Gymnastics which took place in Borovets, Bulgaria, one of them being the winner of the trio contest.
FARMACEUTICA REMEDIA S.A. sustained “Cetate Deva” National Sports College in the organization and the development of the Romanian National Aerobic Gymnastics Championship and of the National Junior Gymnastics Championship. These contests were very appreciated by all the participants: sportsmen, sportswomen, coaches, arbiters and leaders of the Romanian Gymnastic Federation.